Let's ConnectCOMMUNITY
When we take care of others, others will take care of us.
Honesty and open communication are the foundation of healthy relationships.
We go much further together, plus… It’s a heck of a lot more fun!
Meet Dan Gomer:
Dan’s passion to share knowledge began with his career as an 8th grade science teacher and basketball coach. After leaving public education, Dan set his sites on real estate, and honed his skills as a professional Fix and Flipper and top producing Realtor. Dan now leads a highly successful and expanding real estate team, where he gets to return to his teaching roots and focus his attention on helping others reach their highest potential. As the author of three books, Dan is now combining his skills and expertise to help people succeed in real estate and

There's a reason...
There’s a reason why I am so passionate about creating an environment that values community, connection, and collaboration. When I started in real estate, I had great mentors, and I’m grateful for them, but they had a lot going on and I only received so much support. The reality is that I never really felt like I was part of something bigger than myself.
I was a lone wolf. I wanted a pack but found myself struggling to find the answers and support I really needed to be “successful”. I felt lonely, frustrated, and unsuccessful for many years, but I have discovered that it doesn’t have to be that way.
See, there was a time in my career where I was so down on myself, that I was thinking about giving up on life. I felt like a total failure. I’m very lucky to have seen a glimmer of hope during those dark moments because that glimmer ultimately turned into an unquenchable desire to prove that I was worthy.

I still felt lonely, and I wished I had more support, but at this time in my life, I had a single pointed focus. So, I put my head down and pushed forward. At the expense of many other facets of life, I eventually created a very “successful” real estate business. I was selling houses, making money, and I moved into my dream home. Everything looked like I was winning.
Yes, things were great on the outside, but on the inside I was completely fried! In fact, immediately following my most “successful” year of my career, I spent the next 18 months strategizing how to get out. Crazy right?
Or maybe not…
See, in my mind I had proved that I was worthy, so I lost my motivation to continue. I simply couldn’t do it anymore.

I heard about a real estate brokerage that would allow me to not only stay in the industry, but that would also provide a platform where I could leverage my experiences to help other people.
I went from wanting to leave the industry to…
Today, I’m living the life I’ve always wanted. I get to help others, I get to grow (personally and professionally), I get to work with people daily, I get to watch others create the life they have always wanted, and… I get paid to do it!
This is why I am passionate about what I do. I know how hard it is to feel alone. I know how hard it is to watch others succeed and wonder what I’m missing. I know how hard it is to work my tail off without getting the results I want.

But maybe more importantly, today I know…
… How good it feels to be part of something bigger than myself.
… How good it feels to support people in ways I never experienced.
… What true success feels like.
I do this work because I want nothing more than to support your efforts as you create true success in your life. So, what does that look like?
Well, let’s hop on a call and find out.
Here’s to your journey in our world. Looking forward to connecting soon.
Are You Ready to Create the Life of Your Dreams?
Enjoy a FREE copy of my book I'm Full Of It And So Are You! Tap into the amazing wealth of knowledge already within yourself to find your purpose and create the life of your dreams.